Here you can find all type of conversion tools, which helps to choose the right size for you.
First step: choose the size size converter:
By a simple click you can choose the type of clothing you are interested in.
American, Australian, British, Canadian, European, Japanese, Korean, Mexican, New Zealand, Russian, Ukrainian, Inches, Centimeters, Mondopoint shoe sizes
US/Canada,US (Letter), UK, Europe, Italy, Australia, Japan measurement dress systems
US/Canada, UK, Europe, Japan, Bust, Waist, Hip sizes
Europe,UK, US/Canada sizes
Europe,UK, US/Canada shirt sizes
Europe, UK, US (Letter) sizes
Europe, UK, US (Letter) sizes
Europe, UK, US (Letter) sizes
Australia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Europe, France, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, US, UK, sizes
USA, Diam. inch.,Diam. mm, Circum. mm, British,French,German,Japanese,Swiss
It is a webtool to convert clothing and accessory sizes from a measurement system to another. The result of the conversion is a clothing or accessory size expressed in the target measurement system. Because the wide variety of the measurement systems, it is necessary to use a size converter, if you want to buy some clothing or accessory from a country where it is used a different sizing system than in your’s.
There are ten listed type clothing and accessory to chose from (shoes, dress, shirts, rings, hats…)
As you can see, different countries or regions of the world are using different measurement systems to express the size of clothing and accessories.
Most of the sizing systems contains different values, for example if we look at shoe sizes the European sizing system contains values under 50, while the Korean system contains values over 200, so they are totally different.
After choosing the target sizing system, the converted size will appear in the grey input box. If you modify any parameter of the size conversion>, the result of the new conversion will be calculated automatically.