It is a web tool to convert T-Shirt sizes from a measurment system to another.
Browsing the T-Shirt size conversion site means you want to buy a T-Shirt,
but you don't know which size fit for you.
T-Shirt size conversion tool will help you to find out the right T-Shirt size,
just follow the steps below.
So you have to know your T-Shirt size in minimum one sizing system.
If you don't know your T-Shirt size, there are several tutorials, step-by-step instructions on the internet.
You just have to write "How to Determine Your T-Shirt Size" in Google.
After choosing the target T-Shirt sizing system, the converted size will appear in the grey input box.
If you modify any parameter of the T-Shirt size conversion, the result of the new conversion will be calculated automatically.