It is a webtool to convert shoe sizes from a measurement system to another.
The result of the conversion is a shoe size expressed in the target measurement system.
Because the wide variety of the measurement systems, is necessary to use a Shoe size converter,
if you want to buy a shoe from a country where is used a different sizing system than in your country.
The four listed type (Women, Men, Girls, Boys) contains very different shoe sizes, so be sure to choose the right one.
As you can see, different countries or regions of the world are using different measurement systems to express the size of the shoes.
Most of the sizing systems contains different values,
for example the European sizing system contains values under 50,
while the Korean system contains values over 200, so they are totally different.
Another problem is that some shoe size values in a sizing system don't have pairs in another system, so they can't be converted exactly.
After choosing the target shoe sizing system, the converted size will appear in the grey input box.
If you modify any parameter of the shoe size conversion, the result of the new conversion will be calculated automatically.
Choose a seller or webshop where the shoe sizes are noted in inches, millimeters, or centimeters.
Measure your foot and measure the shoe and determine if you received what you ordered.
Compare the surrounding values in tables you find on-line and determine if they make logical sense, before ordering.